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Day 144 - Into The Bob

Eating farm fresh eggs with a bison burger and toast (and coffee!) was a fantastic way to start the day.  It would have been even better if I hadn’t been the cook, but it was good.  

After breakfast, we packed up and were ready to go by 9, which is when Frank was taking us back to the trailhead.  Happily, I had the opportunity to chat with Jackie a bit before we left.  It’s too bad we didn’t have more time together - she feels like a kindred spirit. 

We arrived at the trailhead by 10; this was perfect timing because the hikers Frank had arranged to pick up were coming down the trail as we were getting our packs on.  Frank is such a great guy, I can’t believe he drives all the way to the trailhead and back multiple times a day!

Even though I was dreading hiking with 5.5 days of food (so heavy!), the hike today was pretty easy, relatively speaking.  The inclines and declines were very gradual, there was lots of water (so no heavy water carries to add even more weight to the pack), and, just as it got really hot outside, the trail went into the trees and the cool shade there was delightful.  We didn’t have any epic views, but we didn’t have to work too hard so I’m ok with that.  

I made it to our planned campsite by 5pm, which was very early.  However, it doesn’t look like there is any good camping ahead for quite a while so we can’t really put in more miles (even though it would be nice to get in at least 4 more).  That being said, I LOVE it when we actually have time to enjoy the camping part and I’m happy to take it a little slower when our packs are the heaviest.

As a bonus, we are camping next to a hidden waterfall, which is just lovely.  I spent quite a bit of time down there, just enjoying the view and soaking my feet in the cold water.  

I cannot believe that I’ll be in bed before 8!!!! This is amazing.  


Along the trail:
