Vive ut Vivas

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Day 139 - Lincoln Zero

Since we arrived a little late yesterday, the owners of the hotel simply left the key in the room rather than wait for us; this made complete sense and I figured we’d see them in the morning as they said they could do our laundry (and so they could take payment).

Once we finally woke up (I slept in until nearly 8!), Nick and I went downstairs to the lobby for some coffee and possibly breakfast.  Everything was still closed, there wasn’t any coffee, and there wasn’t anyone at the desk.  This seemed a little strange but we reasoned it was still early and that maybe they don’t come in until later.  

We walked back across the street to Lambkins for breakfast, which was awesome.  For the first time on this trail, I was unable to eat everything I ordered.  I probably could have finished the corned beef hash and eggs, but I also ordered a chocolate chip pancake for dessert.   The chocolate chip pancake was huge - a meal in itself - and it was the most delicious chocolate chip pancake I’ve eaten.   I ended up taking over half of everything I ordered back to the hotel to enjoy later.  

Once fed, we did chores.  Since we still weren’t able to get in touch with the owners, I wouldn’t have been able to upload blog posts if we weren’t so good at guessing Wi-Fi passwords.  Neither of us have cell service in this town, so we called using the phone from the front desk (I was able to reach my hand through the grate closing off the front desk and grab their phone).  I called both numbers listed on the board but didn’t get an answer.   Weird.

Once back upstairs, we went through the resupply, which was fun - Theresa sent another one of her epic letters and Mark made our day with cookies he made.  Mark, they were delicious!!

We spent the rest of the day in the room, napping (me) and watching Netflix (Nick).  We made several more attempts to reach the owners but have been unsuccessful all day.  It’s a bummer because, had we known they wouldn’t be around at all, we would have washed our clothes in the sink.  It’s a little late for that now, but it’s not the end of the world - we didn’t sweat all that much on the way to Lincoln and our next stop, Augusta, is only 3 days away.  At this point, I’m just concerned about the owners and hope everything is ok.  Since we haven’t yet paid for the room (they didn’t take our CC when Nick made the reservation), I’m guessing we’ll see someone tomorrow morning when we check out?

All in all, it’s been a great day off (and a much-needed one), even though it went by way too quickly.