Vive ut Vivas

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Day 103 - Poor Bushwhack

Start: 0700 - PCT mile 1615.5
End: 1830 - Cold Spring Creek
Miles (today): 23.5
Miles (cumulative): 1684 (1522 PCT, 94 alternate, 68 off)

The scenery was absolutely incredible today!  Not as stunning as the Sierras but beautiful nonetheless.  Despite my pissy ankle (which is feeling a little better) and despite my slowness (I don't want to aggravate the ankle any more than I have to), I felt happy and content to be walking today.  Most of the time was spent walking through fields of wildflowers and enjoying the scenic mountain views - it was great. Pictures don't do it justice (do they ever?) but I took a few anyway.  :)

Nick getting water at a stream

We had planned on doing 30 miles but my ankle issues made us change our plans - I wasn't fast enough to get the miles done at a decent hour (and I didn't want to be hiking until 2200).  Plus, the last 7 miles of our hike today was rough on my ankle, my feet, and my knees - the trail was all downhill, just steep enough to make it a little too challenging.  I tried to shuffle-run to save my knees but that made my ankle upset.  It's ok, though - I'm convinced that someday (hopefully soon) my body will realize I'm not going to stop this thru-hiking endeavor over a few aches and pains and will then give up and let me hike in comfort.  

Around 1300, we bumped into Bushwhack, Prancer, and Cliffhanger taking a break.  I didn't think we'd see them again so it was a nice surprise.  Sadly, Bushwhack isn't feeling the best - he made frequent stops on the trail all day to lie down- so he's camping near us tonight even though his hiking family is further up the trail. In fact, our campsite is quite popular- HeMan, HeMan's brother Zuke, and Scarface have joined us, too.  I enjoy camping with others except it does make going to the bathroom a little more complicated....   :)

Along the trail:

i loved how the rock was breaking apart - there was a huge hole near here that I really wanted to explore... But I would have needed ropes

a young buck who didn't care I was on the trail