What are you doing?

We plan to thru-hike the Continental Divide Trail (CDT).  

Where/what is the CDT?

The Continental Divide Trail is approximately 3,000 miles and goes through New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.  The Southern Terminus of the trail is in Crazy Cook at the border of Mexico; The Northern Terminus is in Waterton Park, Canada.  See the map. 

How long will it take you?

It will take us about 5 months to complete the entire trail.   Timing is important, however. We don't want to start too early because the snow in the San Juans needs time to melt, but we don't want to start too late because we hope to finish before the snow returns to Montana.  Our goal is to start mid-April and finish by mid-September.

Are you bringing a gun?

No, we aren’t going to carry a gun. Guns are too heavy. We’re constantly looking at ways we can cut weight and every ounce counts, which means a gun is out of the question. See our gear.  

But what about bears?

Bears might be more of an issue on the CDT than they were on the PCT, so we will have to be careful, particularly when we get to Wyoming and Montana. We’ll hang our food, won’t eat in camp, and will hike with each other for safety in numbers (the hiking together part will be interesting as we typically don’t). We also plan to carry bear spray when we’re in Grizzly country (no guns, though).  

What about food and water?

  • Food:  We'll carry as much food as we need to get us to the next town/resupply (on average ~6 days worth).  In addition to having resupply boxes sent to us at various locations (our resupply guru from the PCT, Mary Grant, will once again be taking on this huge endeavor), we will also purchase food and other necessities as we are able.  

  • Water:  We'll filter the water we find along the trail, such as in streams and lakes.  The FarOut app (formerly Guthooks) contains updated water reports, which we’ll use to help us with our daily hiking plan. Our filter of choice is the Sawyer Squeeze.

How will you shower?

Taking a dip in a stream or wiping down with a bandana will be the primary way of keeping semi-clean.  We will also periodically check into hotels/lodging along the way for legit showers.  

Will you have internet?

We'll be able to 'connect' when we go into town, but reception on the trail is not the best (and we're 100% ok with that!).   

Will you write a blog?

Yes, Beth will definitely write every day. Mainly because it’s a great way for us to have something to look back on later, but also because we know some people might want to follow along. The wonderful Theresa Frazier will be helping us with this (as she did on the PCT). Beth uses the notes app on her phone to write and attach pictures every night; she sends these to Theresa whenever we have service. Theresa then kindly takes the time to upload everything to the blog (Beth discovered on the PCT that it takes too long to do that part herself, particularly when service is spotty).

How will Mary send you resupply packages? 

Nick made his own spreadsheet (click here for a non-updated version) to get a rough idea of where we'll be and when we’ll be there based on our hiking speed and other factors. It also includes how much food we think we’ll need in each resupply box.  We'll update this spreadsheet as we go.   

All resupply packages need to be addressed as follows:

Nick Grant or Beth Whittington (both names MUST be on each package so either of us can pick them up)


General Delivery

Town, State Zip Code

Can I send a care package?

Sure - we'd LOVE that!!!  :)  Just a few things to keep in mind:

  • Contact supply guru Mary Grant (ldteacher74137@yahoo.com) or bff Candee Lawerence (jacobs7@hotmail.com) - they both know exactly where we are and can tell you where to send the package.

  • We have to carry everything you send, so consumables or items we can share with other hikers are perfect.

  • No surprise packages!  We have to ask for our mail, so if you don't tell us you sent it (and where you sent it) we won't know to ask for it. 

  • Text or email to get in contact.  Email: viveutvivas27@gmail.com

  • Always use USPS Priority Mail for boxes.  DO NOT USE USPS Standard Post!

  • Letters should be sent USPS First Class.

  • Write "Hold for CDT Hiker.  ETA: MM/DD/YY" on every package/letter.