What are you doing?

We plan to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).  

Where/what is the PCT?

The Pacific Crest Trail is approximately 2,660 miles and goes through California, Oregon, and Washington.  The Southern Terminus of the trail is just east of San Diego at the border of Mexico; The Northern Terminus is in Manning Park, Canada.  See the map

How long will it take you?

It should take us about 5 months to complete the entire trail.   The timing is a little tricky, though.  We don't want to start too early because the snow in the Sierras needs time to melt (the Boston Marathon is keeping us from starting too early, anyway).  However, we don't want to start too late because we hope to finish before the snow returns to Washington.  Our goal is to finish by mid-September.

Are you bringing a gun?

No, no gun.  Guns are heavy and unnecessary.  Have you seen the movie Revenant?  Leo had a gun at the ready and it didn't do him any good.   Besides, when you are concerned with every little ounce you are carrying, the thought of bringing a gun is laughable.  Everything adds up - Nick even cut the handle off his toothbrush just to save a few ounces.  Take a look at what we plan to bring here.  

Also, Nick just reminded me that he is a human weapon - why would we need a gun when we have his awesome skills?  :)

But what about bears?

We aren't too worried about bears.  I think there are worse things waiting for us on the trail, like clouds of bloodsucking mosquitoes and biting flies.

What about food and water?

  • Food:  We'll carry as much food as we need to get us to the next town/resupply (on average ~6 days worth).  In addition to having resupply boxes sent to us at various locations (thank you Mark and Mary Grant!), we will also purchase food and other necessities as we are able.  The bottom line is that we want to be flexible - who knows what we will want to eat 3, 4, 5 months from now, who knows what we'll learn from other hikers, and who knows what we'll learn through trial and error.   

  • Water:  We'll sterilize and/or filter the water we find along the trail, such as in streams and lakes. There are several resources out there to help us find water (ex. PCT water report, Yogi's handbook, our own smarts) and we'll be using them all.  

How will you shower?

Taking a dip in a stream or wiping down with a bandana will be the primary way of keeping semi-clean.  Don't worry, we'll periodically check into hotels/lodging along the way for legit showers.  

Will you have internet?

We'll be able to 'connect' when we go into towns, but reception on the trail is not the best (and we're ok with that!).   

How will Mary send you resupply packages? 

We used Craig's PCT Planner to get a rough idea of where we'll be when on the trail (based on our hiking speed and other factors).  We'll update this spreadsheet as we go.   

All resupply packages will be addressed as follows:

Nick Grant or Beth Whittington (both names MUST be on each package so either of us can pick them up)


General Delivery

Town, State Zip Code

Can I send a care package?

Sure - we'd love that!!!  :)  Just a few things to keep in mind:

  • Contact Mary Grant (ldteacher74137@yahoo.com) or Candee Lawerence (jacobs7@hotmail.com) - they both know where we are and can tell you where to send the package.

  • We have to carry everything you send, so consumables or items we can share with other hikers are perfect.

  • No surprise packages!  We have to ask for our mail; thus, if you don't tell us you sent it (and where you sent it) we won't know to ask for it. 

  • Text or email (text might be better) to get in contact. 

  • Always use USPS Priority Mail for boxes.  DO NOT USE USPS Standard Post!

  • Letters can be sent USPS First Class.

  • Write "Hold for PCT Hiker.  ETA: MM/DD/YY" on every package/letter.