My Maui friend Candice (who recently moved to Colorado) is the absolute best.
My shin pain wasn’t much better when I woke up this morning, so I took some Ranger Candy with breakfast. When we were ready to start hiking, I felt nervous - how was I going to hike 9 miles?
Slowly, that’s how. For the first 6 miles I was holding my own - I was slow but still moving ok. It didn’t feel like the Vitamin I was really helping, but I wouldn’t like to know what it would have been like without it. Thankfully, the terrain wasn’t too crazy - indeed, it would have been an easy day if it wasn’t for the shin pain (which could be shin splints but the pain is on the outside, not the inside, so ????). I enjoyed the weather and the views and the day hikers we saw - it was all a welcomed distraction.
At the top of Stanley Peak I encountered another great distraction when two F14’s (I think that’s what they were) flew directly over my head - the sound was incredibly loud and I could feel it in my entire body. It made me giddy.
Shortly after Stanley Peak, however, I started to really struggle. The deep pain in my shins got so intense that I felt nauseated, just like yesterday. My pace slowed way down.
With less than a mile to go, I was walking so slowly that it probably took me over an hour. I don’t know, I refused to look at anything for fear of getting discouraged. I know this is going to sound crazy, but the pain was so intense that at times my mind briefly took me out of my body and I felt like I was floating. Too bad those moments were brief, I would have happily stayed in that state for the entire mile. Everyone passed me.
My biggest challenge was crossing the road to get to the Berthoud Pass Trailhead parking lot - the cars were going very fast and I could barely muster more than a brisk hobble-walk. It was a rough go, made even more embarrassing because there were 3 other thru-hikers watching me. They had all passed me on the way down, of course, but still - I hate feeling and looking weak.
On the way down, I had texted my friend, Candice, to let her know that we wouldn’t be getting to Grand Lake as soon as we thought (we had planned to meet up with her there) because I need a few days off (hopefully that’s all I need). She immediately texted back and said she’d drive from Denver, pick us up, and take us to Grand Lake, where we can stay in her second mom’s house. Get to hang with a great friend and not have to pay for a hotel room while I try to recover? Sold.
Since she wouldn’t be able to pick us up until 4, we worked on getting a hitch to Winter Park with another hiker, Short Stix, so we could pick up our resupply package and get some lunch while we waited for Candice.
Hitching was sort-of fun with Short Stix (Nick hung back and let us girls do the work). After a while a wonderful woman named Jen stopped and gave us a ride. It turns out Jen is originally from Oahu, which came up when she told us her dog’s name is Hoku (Hawaiian for star). She was lovely.
Jen and her dog, Hoku, who gave us a ride to Winter Park
In Winter Park we put on our semi-clean sleep/town shirts and looked for a place to eat within close range (walking really sucks for me right now). We ended up at Casa Mexico and it was wonderful. The hikers who passed me on the way down to Berthoud Pass trailhead were there, along with some others we don’t know. While we were eating, three more unknown to us hikers walked in. I don’t know why I’m constantly amazed at seeing so many hikers I haven’t met yet, but I am.
After lunch, Nick walked to the post office to get our package while I sat next to a fountain in the shopping area. And then, before I knew it, Candice was texting me saying she was in the parking lot. She also said she had some friends of ours with her, which confused me for a bit until I saw her.
It turns out that when Candice passed the trailhead on her way to pick us up, she saw some hikers hitching and gave them a ride to town. And not just any hikers, but Mountain and Lion, who we met way back in Lordsburg!
Mountain and Lion, who got a hitch from our good friend, Candice
I was happy to see Mountain and Lion and overjoyed to see Candice - it felt like I was being rescued. Which I was.
Once at the house in Grand Lake (home of Mystic Mountain Mushrooms) we met the owner, Sherry. I had heard a lot about her from Candice and it was great to put a face with the name. We couldn’t thank her enough for letting us crash at her place.
After showering and doing laundry, we took Candice out dinner (Sherry wasn’t up for it). Candice got to witness the extraordinary amount of food we eat while in town - I hope she wasn’t too disgusted! :)
After dinner, we went for ice cream and a quick walk. The ice cream tasted great; the walking wasn’t terrible but it definitely wasn’t great. I’m worried. At least I have the new shoes we ordered back in Leadville . Maybe they will help?! (The old ones are at the end of their life with almost 500 miles on them.)
Along the trail: