The hike up to James Peak, our last 13er of Colorado (and maybe the rest of the trail? Not sure) wasn’t bad at all. My newest trail issue felt fine this morning and I enjoyed the uphill.
On the way up, I passed Thighclops, which was a nice surprise (I figured he and Steelhead were already in Wyoming). Once at the top of James Peak, I saw Master Chef and Fuego again. It was a delight to chat with all four of them. Steelhead commented on me going uphill, saying he can’t believe I caught up with them. I laughed and said that he won’t be impressed with my downhill at all and that I expected to see him again when he passed me as I made my way down from James Peak.
At the top of James Peak, left to right - Steelhead, Fuego, Thighclops, and Master Chef
Even though I left the summit before them, Steelhead and Thighclops of course passed me. I laughed when they did. They made me feel better about my predicament, which is this: my newest issue wasn’t happy about me going downhill, even though I was doing all I could to make it NOT hurt (ie walking very slowly).
The hike to our planned lunch/meeting spot (Rollins Pass Trailhead) made things worse. While the terrain wasn’t too steep, it was on a serious slant. I said terrain because there wasn’t much of a trail, it was just one of those “hike towards the next pole/cairn” sections. At least this time it wasn’t foggy and I could clearly see the path I needed to take (so no getting lost). Still, it was VERY slow going walking over grass and rocks and hidden holes. My new issue hated it. The views were great, though, so there’s always that. :)
At lunch, I took off my brace and wrap (did I have it on too tightly? Is that why I was I. So much pain?) and chatted with Spice (who I met on the way up to James Peak) while I waited for Nick to get there. Spice asked if I had seen Mouse. It took me a second to realize who he was talking about, but as soon as I figured it out Mouse’s hiking companions, Aron and Cheetah, walked up. It was great to see them. With seeing so many familiar faces I don’t feel quite so behind.
The hike after lunch was…
Well, let’s just say I had to take Ranger Candy to get to camp. We had planned to go at least 17 miles today, but the way I felt after lunch (even after adjusting my brace) told me that the earlier I could stop hiking the better. When we were about to leave the trailhead I even briefly contemplated getting a hitch into town.
I was discussing the possibility of going back to town with Nick when Mouse hiked up. We didn’t chat about too much - we mostly just told her that Aron and Cheetah had left about 10 minutes ago - but when the subject of my new injury came up I almost started to cry in front of her. Almost crying is what made me decide to hike on, mostly out of spite for my attitude. I can’t let this stupid hiking injury get me down. Hikers suffer this shit all the time. Besides, the pain wasn’t nearly as bad as it was before - since I didn’t cry before, there’s no reason to cry about it now.
Nick walked with me most of the way to camp, mostly because he wasn’t sure about my ability to get there. On the way to camp we walked through another thunderstorm. Not a bad one, thankfully, but it was a little closer than I was comfortable with when I was still at the top of the ridge starting my way down.
Nick, realizing I wasn’t going to say something like, “We need to turn around, I don’t think I’m going to make it”, hiked ahead in the midst of the storm to find a place to camp and set up the tent. He is so fast downhill!! I could see him already ‘safe’ in the tree line when I was still making my way down off the ridge.
the storm cloud is right above me as I make my way down to the trees
After the storm passed, despite already being cozy in the tent and despite being in pain, I felt like we should hike more - only going 15 miles and stopping at 4pm felt ridiculous. Nick reminded me that we planned to take it slow this section to give me time to recover. He also reminded me that I had to take Ranger Candy to get to camp. Oh, yeah. :) (still, it feels so wrong to stop hiking after only 15 miles)
Let’s see what tomorrow brings. :)
Along the trail: