Day 157 - To the Border and Beyond / by Beth Whittington

I cannot believe this hike is over.  Since I still haven’t processed this fact (and since we have lots of celebrating to do) I’ll let pictures tell the story today.

On the way to the border:

At the border (where we spent over 2 hours):

Nick and I celebrated our finish by jumping into the Waterton River/Lake - it was FREEZING but 100% worth it. Nick then swam across the border

During the 4 mile walk from the border to Waterton:

Nick is always entertaining

In Waterton Lake Village:

Now we are going to shower, eat, and take the rest of the day to celebrate our golden anniversary (17 years on the 17th) and our finish of the CDT (we managed to keep our continuous footpath with no skips, no flips, and no slack packing!). 

I still can’t believe the hike is over.  I’ll post some final thoughts after I’ve had time to process everything.  Thank you all, so very, very much, for being a part of this adventure!