Start: 0800 - near Spinola Creek
End: 1830 - PCT mile 2451 (near Trap Lake)
Miles (today): 20
Miles (cumulative): 2480 (2230 PCT, 175 alternate, 75 off)
We awoke to more rain and fog - so much for that spectacular view I was hoping for!
the rain and fog ruined the view from our campsite...
Just a few miles from camp, the trail was, once again, lined with berry bushes (blueberries or huckleberries?). Since I regretted not picking more berries yesterday, I decided to take a few minutes to pick some and put them in my shaker for later. It takes a long time to pick those little suckers, though, and my hands couldn't tolerate the cold rain for long; therefore, I didn't get as many as I planned.
the berry bushes were everywhere
the berry-lined trail next to the river
Along the trail I chatted with Gut Punch (who I met yesterday), I met new hikers (Goldilocks, Mary Poppins, Crush, and Blaze), and I saw some old friends (Ruth Ann and Mark) who I haven't seen since we helped Ruth get over the train after Cajon Pass (they flip flopped after Belden). It was great seeing them again and I'm happy to know they are still on trail.
Ruth and Mark in their rain gear (Lure and Melon now)
There was a potentially tricky river ford today, but it was just fine - Nick and I both made it across without incident. The only other thing to note was that Nick accidentally passed up our first planned meeting spot - it's a good thing I knew he was ahead of me or else I would have been waiting in vain. (And he did hike back once he realized his error).
question: how difficult will this ford be?
answer: not very difficult, although finding the safest route across took some time (the logs were perfect)
After deciding on a campsite, I made sure Nick got there first - I didn't want to wait in the cold rain any longer than I had to. When I walked up he had just started to put up the tent, so while I waited I picked more berries (I was elated to see bushes surrounding our campsite). My fingers froze from doing so but that's ok, I soon had a tent in which to recover.
We officially have less than 200 miles (2 marathon miles) to go on this journey. At the moment, it feels like a long way - I'm cold and wet and very hungry. No worries, though - I'm in the tent, I've changed into dry clothes, my sleeping bag is my new best friend, and my hot dinner is almost done rehydrating. :)
Along the trail:
look at how amazing Washington is even when it's raining - A lake, low clouds, beautiful mountains...
this just made me smile
Trap Lake in the fog
this was supposed to be an epic panoramic of the mountainside I just descended - alas, my cold fingers didn't push the start button when I thought they did. :(