Start: 0645 - PCT mile 64
End: 1645 - Just past Scissors Crossing
Miles (today) - 15
Miles (cumulative) - 79
Today was fantastic. :) :) :)
We got an early morning start, which I like. I feel I do my best hiking in the morning (I suspect Nick does his best hiking in the afternoon). That being said, props to the person who took the time to leave the rock arrow because I would have missed the turn to the trail without it.
The views were so incredible I didn't feel any pain. (The views are also dangerous because I tripped over rocks several times while trying to enjoy them.) I even saw a rainbow in the early morning mist (alas, it was too faint for a picture but it made me smile).
Just in case you are sick of the scenic overviews...
At one point I was feeling so good and the trail was so perfect that I wanted to throw off my pack and start running. I contained myself because Running and I aren't supposed to see each other right now, but the urge was strong.
Where I wanted to start running.
Seriously, who wouldn't want to run here? LOL
And just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, we ran into TRAIL MAGIC! (Trail magic is where people do random acts of kindness for hikers along the trail.)
Holy shit, those people are awesome!!!! They had this amazing spread all laid out for us hikers - beer (Nick was happy about that), margaritas, vodka, water, grilled cheese, donuts, cookies, and exactly what I wanted, fresh fruits and veggies (I swear, broccoli has never tasted so good). They even had a charging station for our phones, chairs to sit in, and body wipes so we could clean up a bit. These people thought of everything. They even told me to take an apple for the road! We couldn't thank them enough.
Nick and I hung out for almost two hours, as did many hikers. It was nice to have the opportunity to get to know some of them a bit more - up until this point we've just been saying hi as we pass each other on the trail.
Can you guess which plate is Nick's and which one is mine? And can you guess which one of us is drinking the beer? :)
The Trail Angels who brought Nick beer and me fresh fruit and veggies.
I'm really starting to dig this whole thru-hiking thing. :)
[ The only weird part of the day was when we walked past a shooting range in the valley below. I know sound travels strangely in hills and valleys but I swear it sounded like bullets were whizzing right by my head. Not my favorite. ]