Day 10
Start: 0700 - San Diego/Riverside county line
End: 1700 - Paradise Cafe
Miles (today) - 21 (20 trail, 1 off-trail)
Miles (cumulative) - 153
With the exception of Cyclops (whose campsite I walked by in the morning), a day hiker (who was going southbound), and Nick (who I met for lunch), I didn't see anyone at all until 1630, which is when I stopped at PCT mile 152 to wait for Nick. It was a very meditative sort of day - the trail was beautiful, there was a nice breeze to keep me cool, and it felt peaceful. I particularly enjoyed all the wildflowers that lined the trail - there were all sorts of different color combinations going on and I enjoyed them all. Despite my sore feet, I felt good. (Blisters are threatening to arise - let's hope the taping method works!)
The early morning view - I love the low clouds
The purple wildflowers made me think of my sister Heather
We had been worried about water today but there was no need for worry - Trail Angels had stocked several water caches. Every time I encountered one of their notes I just smiled. We were sure to only take what we needed and no more (I don't want to cry again over wasting water).
The only thing of consequence that happened on the trail was my first snake sighting. I didn't see it until I stepped right next to it, though, so it's a good thing it wasn't venomous and that it was lazy (or cold) - it didn't even flinch as I walked by. I wish I could say the same; alas, I must confess that I gasped and jumped sideways when I (finally) noticed it. I'm not scared of snakes but I am scared of being poisoned by one - rumor has it that a PCT hiker was airlifted off the trail yesterday because of a rattlesnake bite!
this harmless snake was just chillin' by the trail
I wasn't going to 'celebrate' 150 miles but since someone else did I figure why not. 150 miles! Yeah!
At mile 152 I stopped to wait for Nick so we could walk the one mile off-trail to Paradise Cafe together. Since we were going into public, we did our best to freshen up by putting on our cleanest shirts and some deodorant - I doubt it helped much but it made us feel a little better about ourselves. :)
The one mile walk to the cafe was endless and cold... But so worth it! We met 4 hikers leaving the cafe who said they had been there for 10 hours!
The Paradise Cafe truly is paradise! Great food, great people!!
The cafe is great - they have amazing food, they fill your water bottles, they hold your resupply packages (we had one), they allow you to charge your devices, they let you stay as long as you need, and the service is stellar. They even let hikers camp behind the building at night (this is what we are doing tonight because I didn't think I could walk the 1 mile back to the trail - my feet are in pain and need to rest!).
In the cafe we ate amazing meals and mingled with other hikers. I really enjoyed talking with Chelsea and Alex and am bummed that Chelsea will be leaving the trail for a while due to a case of plantar fasciitis. :(
my ginormous salad and Nick's burger and beer
I tried to get Nick to do the same pose but he refused to play along. :)
along the trail