Start: 0700 - somewhere on the alternate route
End: 1530 - Idyllwild
Miles (today) - 14 (all alternate)
Miles (cumulative) - 182
Knowing you are hiking towards a night's stay at a cabin (A legit shower! A legit bathroom! A legit bed! Laundry services! Access to apples and celery! Beer for Nick!) is extremely motivating. Thus, even though the morning was wet, dreary, and cold, and even though we didn't have enough water for breakfast, I was in a fine mood.
I couldn't bear to put on my white hiking shirt this morning (OMG, the smell!) so I hiked in my sleeping shirt instead. I thought the hiking shirt was the main cause of the awful odor I endured yesterday, and, while it does smell atrocious, I still caught whiffs of something unpleasant throughout the day - I suspect my scalp/hair is the culprit. (While on the trail I use wipes to sort-of clean my body every night but my hair doesn't get any love.)
We hiked some backroads (we're still on the alternate route) and then had to hike a mile on highway 74. Walking on the highway wasn't exactly fun or safe; however, most drivers waved as they passed us (a trucker even honked) and the simple act of smiling and waving back made me feel better. We stopped at Lake Hemet Market to get water and ended up taking an early lunch break on their patio. We were pleasantly surprised when Man-U Mike showed up - we had a great time chatting with him.
us with Man-U Mike at Lake Hemet Market
We rested for so long that my foot didn't hurt too much when we finally decided to continue on. I was in great spirits after seeing Man-U Mike and the day continued to improve. The alternate route took us through the Hurkey Creek Campground, where we walked by some very friendly and inquisitive folks. We stopped to tell them about what we are doing and they were so cool! They helped remind us that what we are doing is NOT commonplace (being completely surrounded by other people thru-hiking the PCT makes this feel almost normal). We left the wonderful campers at Hurkey Creek in fantastic moods (if any of you are reading this, THANK YOU for making our day!)
the wonderful campers at Hurkey Creek
Like my mood, the weather continued to improve, too. In the afternoon I was once again able to see the beautiful vistas (unlike yesterday where I knew we were missing some awesome views due to the not-so-great weather).
We passed a thrift store as we walked through the lovely town of Idyllwild to get to our cabin. Since I knew we were going to be washing all our clothes, I suggested we check to see if they had anything cheap we could buy so we had something to wear around town while our clothes were washing. They certainly did - we shopped in the bargain sheds and ended up with some pretty sweet outfits for $3. :)
Everything in the bargain sheds was $1 - I bought a dress, Nick got a shirt and pants
Our bargain shed outfits, which we will be donating back to the thrift store before we hike out of town on Monday
Idyllwild Inn is heavenly (again, I just love how hiking makes you appreciate the little things in life) and our cabin is almost too comfortable - going back to sleeping in a tent is going to be rough after this.
I took a legit shower in a warm, clean room and didn't have to worry about the water turning off (like it did back at Laguna Campground on day 3 when I only paid for 6 minutes). I was able to wash my hair! The dirt under my nails is gone! My pits and legs are once again hair-free! I smell clean again! :)
Nick walked to the grocery store for some food. I don't think I have to point out what he bought for me and what he bought for himself, but I will anyway - my goods are all on the left.
spinach, celery, broccoli, apples, peppers, grapes, strawberries, and salmon for me - the rest is Nick's. Well, except for the champagne- that's for both of us
There is a jacuzzi tub in our cabin (so much luxury!), so I'm getting myself some champagne and hopping in. After that I will collapse on a legit bed. I can't wait!
the living room with a sweet fireplace
the kitchen
the legit bed!
the shower/jacuzzi tub!