Start: 0630 - Kennedy Meadows
End: 1830 - near Cow Creek
Miles (today): 19 (18 PCT, 1 off)
Miles (cumulative): 743.5 (636 PCT, 89.5 alternate, 18 off)
We are officially out of the desert!
Today felt challenging, most likely because my pack is the heaviest it has ever been (I really need to make some harsh gear cuts) and because the terrain is a little more difficult (we are going up in elevation). It feels like we're hiking a whole new trail! We have traded the need to carry a lot of water with the need to carry bear canisters and microspikes and extra clothes and hot hands (my burden). Am I complaining? Not sure yet. :) Nick commented that his pack is the size of a small child now and the sad thing is he's right!
Nick standing next to his very tall and very heavy pack
Ducky did manage to make me laugh, though - she left this lovely note in the trail register for me:
Ducky's trail register note - trail registers are so fun!
Ducky is a day ahead - I think we are up for the challenge to catch her (except we will be going up Mt. Whitney in a few days and she won't since she has done it before... So that means we are really two days behind....)
We saw Bluebird at the first water source, which was great because it gave me the opportunity to personally thank him for giving us water last night. We met some new hikers along the trail. We saw Coppertone hiking southbound (interestingly, he hikes in his birthday suit - probably very comfortable). Other than that, most of the day was uneventful. I'll take that.
We ended up stopping after only 18 PCT miles. Part of me wanted to hike further but a bigger part was tired and wanted to get to sleep ASAP.
Along the trail:
crossing the Kern River
Look up ahead - snow capped mountains! I'm excited!
this was a nice place to rest
Nick purifying water and taking the opportunity to wash up
the bear canisters DO make good seats