Start: 0715 - Sherrold Lake 1049
End: 1915 - PCT mile 1072.5
Miles (today): 23.5
Miles (cumulative): 1109.5 (964.5 PCT, 91.5 alternate, 53.5 off)
The trail was a challenge today. She's still beautiful, though, so there's that. I reminded myself of the following truths multiple times throughout the day:
•I wanted a good challenge (so I need to embrace the suck as I asked for this)
•HYOH (so who cares if I'm the slow one because of this silly leg injury)
•What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (so get to the planned campsite and all will be well)
•All I need to do is walk (so ignore the pain and walk)
•Eat often (so you can remain semi-sane).
I survived, although I'm not sure I'm stronger... Yet. :)
hiking into yet another wilderness
The silly injury is cramping my style. I was oh-so-happy when I was able to hike faster than 2 mph with Ellie. Sadly, the issues I had at Sonora Pass are really holding me back. I can walk normally but only if I walk very slowly and only if the terrain isn't downhill. For most of the day I held my own, but then the trail turned to a loose, gravelly, rocky disaster - I tried to be careful but I still slipped and tripped a few times, which really aggravated my injured leg.
It was exhausting trying to walk so carefully over the rocks. It was also exhausting walking on the extremely windy ridgeline overlooking Upper Blue Lake and the Lost Lakes. Then again, it's all been exhausting these past few days. I think I need a rest day.
Upper Blue Lake
Lost Lakes
Along the trail:
i love the rock formations!
looking ahead to where I'm going
The Nipple - aptly named LOL