Start: 0930 - Vermillion Valley Resort
End: 1900 - by Lake Virginia
Miles (today): 13 (11.5 PCT, 1.5 off)
Miles (cumulative): 948.5 (805.5 PCT, 90 alternate, 53 off)
Sleep did not come easy to me last night. Unfortunately, a few hikers got a little intoxicated and talked loudly until nearly 0230. I don't think they realized how much their voices were carrying and I can't be mad at them for having a good time (although another hiker did tell them to be quiet around 0100). Usually I'd just put in my earplugs and not worry about it; however, I gave my earplugs to Nick after he lost his toiletry bag so I really struggled to tune out their voices.
It was a long night, so of course I was up at 0500 - that's just what my body does because she makes no sense.
The morning was nice, though. I gave Back Out and Yes I some of those clay figures Maddie and Theresa made (they loved them and thought they were awesome). I also gave a clay figure to Jordan, the lady running the show at VVR and the waitress who told Ducky and me that we looked too clean and put together to be thru-hikers. (The broken generator seems to have put the entire staff at VVR under a lot of stress and I wanted them to know they are doing a great job all things considered.)
Back Out and Yes I with the clay figures they chose
Jordan, the lady running the show at VVR
We ate breakfast with Ducky, Escalator, Chapstick, and Echo, which was a lot of fun. The company was excellent and the food was quite tasty - Nick and I each had eggs, hashbrowns, sausage/bacon, and we split an order of French toast. Oh, and we had coffee! Hot coffee that someone else made and poured into our cups! It was great.
It's always difficult for me to say goodbye to the awesome people we meet along the way but that's how things go. Ducky's taking a zero, Escalator and Chapstick are waiting to see how Chapstick's knee feels, and Back Out and Yes I are planning to stay at VVR for a few days. I do feel rejuvenated, though, and mentally feel better able to hike this trail (being around other hikers tends to do this for me). Escalator told me about the things he's learned about thru-hiking over the years and he has changed my perspective a little. He said its best to not worry so much about the miles; instead, just enjoy the hike. In other words, instead of telling myself I have to get in X miles for the day I should tell myself I just need to hike until I'm too tired to hike on. He also said he likes it best when he eats dinner and then hikes a bit further before setting up camp (which is something I've already been thinking about trying as I think I might like that).
After saying our goodbyes to everyone, we hopped on the 'ferry' and were taken back to the trail. When we pulled up to the 'dock' (a big rock) I was surprised and happy to see Party Monster, Orange Blossom, and Maverick waiting to be taken to VVR. I quickly hugged them all (it's so fun running into people you know on the trail!).
By the time we actually started hiking it was 1100 and it took me a while to find my groove. Today's challenges were several stream fords (they are becoming a way of life at this point, though) and Silver Pass. Silver Pass wasn't too bad going up, although I made the mistake of thinking I was almost to the top 4 times only to be dismayed when there were more switchbacks to go. Also, the snow on the way down caused me to lose the trail (this happens a lot to me while going down these snow-covered passes). The soft snow also caused me to slip off a rock, which resulted in my right calf/lower leg slamming into a boulder so hard that it took my breath away. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be ok but, well, it still hurts.
Nick fording yet another creek - the current was pretty strong for this one
we walked right in front of a waterfall- the spray was so refreshing!
a view while going up Silver Pass
Another challenge was the mosquitoes - they are starting to come out in full force. I stopped at a stream crossing and the second I ceased moving at least 15 of those bloodsuckers were trying to bite me. I must say, it's a little disconcerting to be mobbed by mosquitoes like that (and its just going to get worse!)
But it's not all bad - a deer ran across the trail about 15 feet in front of me. It was so cool!
I had hoped to make it at least 15 miles today, but when I walked by Lake Virginia I saw Jet Pack, Day Hiker, Animal, Poague, and Van Gough and stopped to say hi. I also got to meet Spear and Cappy, two more members of their hiking family. Jet Pack suggested we camp with them and I figured why not - I'm not supposed to worry about the miles, I'm supposed to just hike until I can't hike anymore. Since my calf is really bothering me and since I'd like to get to bed early, I made the call to join them.
It's been nice. :)