Start: 0630 - Cold Spring Creek
End: 2100 - Kangaroo Spring
Miles (today): 24.5
Miles (cumulative): 1708.5 (1546.5 PCT, 94 alternate, 68 off)
Seiad Valley: The last town we will visit in California. I can't believe it, either. In just 26ish miles we will be in Oregon!!!
The hike to Seiad Valley was pretty easy, although the trail did take us on a 6 mile road walk that I wasn't particularly thrilled about (the PCT goes right through the town). Soon after I got to the road, some nice lady stopped and offered me a ride to Seiad Valley. I politely turned her down (continuous footpath!), although Nuthin and Gator, who were hiking with me at the time, promptly jumped in. They looked at me with what I would like to think was admiration for being so steadfast in our goal to walk the entire way from Mexico to Canada, but in reality it was probably pity. :)
Once in Seiad, while I waited for Nick, I claimed our resupply box and sorted the food. I have decided that we are definitely the most spoiled hikers out here - I don't know of any other hiker with a resupply phenom like ours. I mean, just look at what I get to eat for dinner!
Mary's dehydrated meals are THE BEST!
Once Nick arrived, we went to the cafe for lunch. While we were waiting for our food, we saw Bushwhack walk to the sidewalk in front of the cafe and sit down in exhaustion (he's still not feeling well). I walked outside to let him know there were picnic tables around the corner, but he ended up joining us for lunch, which was great.
Seiad Cafe - home of the infamous Seiad pancake challenge
As the above picture notes, Seiad Cafe has a pancake challenge - if you can eat 5 one pound pancakes in 2 hours, you get them for free (otherwise you pay $15). One hiker actually ordered them and gave it a try- she barely made a dent and so her hiking friend attempted to finish them off. He failed, too. Those pancakes were ginormous!
What was left of the five 1 pound pancakes after 2 hikers ate off them
After lunch, we hung out on the picnic tables with Bushwhack, Hounder, Presente, DFW, Dilly Dally, and Smiles for a bit while we organized our food and waited out the heat.
4 hours after hiking into town, we hiked out. The hike out consisted of a 1 mile road walk followed by a 4,500 ft, 8 mile climb. The climb wasn't awful but it wasn't exactly fun, either. I listened to quite a few podcasts to pass the time.
Nick and I both made it to Kangaroo Spring by 2100. There is a cold wind blowing so I was mostly useless - silly Ranauds - although I did manage to purify some water before my hands lost all circulation.
Due to the cold wind, we broke the rules again and ate dinner in the tent. Hopefully we won't have any bear visits.
Along the trail:
there used to be a bridge over the creek but it burned in a fire - I crossed over using the log to the very left
a bridge that didn't get burned
this road is also the PCT