Start: 1030 - Belden Town
End: 1900 - PCT mile 1299
Miles (today): 14.5
Miles (cumulative): 1339 (1191 PCT, 91.5 alternate, 56.5 off)
Banjo commented yesterday that the best part of hiking is not hiking. I laughed at the time but now I'm starting to think he is spot on. I don't mean that I want to quit or that I'm looking forward to a return to 'real life' or that I don't enjoy my time in nature; what I mean is that all the best things seem to happen when I'm not hiking. When I'm taking in a beautiful view I stop hiking. When I meet someone new I stop hiking to say hello. Trail Angels and trail magic also mean I'm not hiking. Or take today, for example. While I stopped at a stream to purify water (I have my own system now and it's so freeing!), I sat on my mat and truly appreciated where I was. I even watched a butterfly flutter around me for a while. It was so peaceful and nice. Similarly, when I was waiting for Nick at our planned spot near the end of the day, a black tailed deer hung around me for a while, unconcerned with my presence. I felt so calm and happy.
the deer who didn't care I was there at all
But I'm getting ahead of myself. I woke up from my not so restful sleep on the picnic table just in time to meet the trail angel at 0600, who was delivering resupply packages to hikers at the rest area. After sorting and organizing it, I was ready to get hiking - I feel so behind - but Nick really wanted to go back to the general store to charge his phone, order us new shoes, and download new music. I went along only because I figured I could send Theresa some blog posts and follow up on some emails.
We found a table near outlets and decided to order breakfast while we were there. Mobius, Rem, and Doogie joined us. The food was good but the wifi wasn't the best - none of the blog updates went through. Frustrating! By the time we finished breakfast, Nick was finished with his Amazon order and it was time to get hiking.
On the way out we bumped into Firewhistler. He's staying for the music festival and confessed that he is thinking about getting off the trail. I did what I could to convince him to stay, but we'll see. I hope the festival rejuvenates him and that he doesn't quit.
Firewhistler and me in front of the stamp mill
The climb out of Belden Town was rough. I was completely kidding when I said the terrain is getting easier - today we had a total elevation gain of 6000 feet and we walked uphill for 15 miles. Starting the hike at 1030 wasn't the best idea, either, because it was really hot. Before we started I assumed it wouldn't be too horrible ... But damn, the trail was steep, overgrown, and rocky (I tripped a whopping 35 times!) Because of our late start and because it was all uphill, we didn't get very far today at all. :(
We did pass 5 hikers (including McG and Trigger) who hitched ahead to Chester and are hiking back to Belden for the music festival. What a wonderful idea! I'm so jealous of them. Nick says the festival has nothing to do with the PCT but I completely disagree - I think this trail isn't just about the hiking, it's also about what you experience along the way, on AND off the trail. We've agreed to disagree.
Along the trail:
trail angel Jennifer from South Lake Tahoe asked if I had seen thistles like this (red and white) and I hadn't.. Until today! Seeing this one made me think of her and smile.
Lassen National Forest!
[Leaving Belden Town]