Day 96 - Beth Sees a Bear / by Beth Whittington

Start: 0700 - West Trough Creek
End: 1615 - Castella State Campground
Miles (today): 22.5 (19 PCT, 3.5 off)
Miles (cumulative): 1544.5 (1384 PCT, 94 alternate, 66.5 off)

Shortly after filling up with water at Squaw Valley Creek this morning, I SAW A BEAR! It was awesome!  I heard some loud rustling on the side of the trail that was so close I thought it was a hiker or maybe a deer.  I didn't have time to feel fear; By the time I realized it was a bear, he had already looked at me, deemed me to be another boring, inconsequential human, and went back to doing his thing (clawing a tree).  Since he didn't seem to care about my presence, I didn't feel the need to hike the hell out of there.  Instead, I tried to video him.  Really, he was a pretty chill, non-threatening bear.  :)

After the bear sighting, the rest of the hike seemed a little less exciting than usual, although it wasn't bad.  A few times I even got a glimpse of Shasta, which makes me happy for some reason.  I love how it looks almost fake, as if someone painted it in the sky.  

yet another look at Shasta

yet another look at Shasta

By the time I made it to the frontage road to Castella, my clothes were soaked through with sweat.  Thank goodness most of the hike was shaded, I don't know what I would have done otherwise!  The first thing I did when I got to Ammirati market in Castella (where we were picking up our resupply) was make a beeline to the restroom, where I peeled off my dirty, sweaty shirt and did my best to clean up.  

Coming out of the restroom I met Guac and Whitney Shoeston.  Guac offered me some homemade chocolate chip cookie/brownie/Oreo things her mother made - they were fantastic, but needed to be paired with milk.... So I bought some milk.  Ice cold milk with homemade sweets seemed like a great idea at the time, but I don't think my body is all that happy about the decision now. 

In addition to our resupply, I finally have new shoes!!!!!  OMG, 800 trail miles was far too many for those Altras - putting on the new pair felt amazing.  Let's hope most (or all) of my issues disappear now.  Nick also got new shoes as well as a smaller hip belt for his pack - he's lost so much weight that his old hip belt wasn't doing its job.  

Just as I was about to hiker box my old shoes (which made me sad for some reason - I had those shoes since the Sierras!), Whitney Shoeston said he wanted them, which made me feel so much better. Now, instead of sadly sitting in a hiker box, the shoes will get to see more of the trail. 

New shoes vs. old.  I hate the color of the new ones but they were cheaper and, well, they'll be dust colored in a few days anyway

New shoes vs. old.  I hate the color of the new ones but they were cheaper and, well, they'll be dust colored in a few days anyway

Whitney Shoeston, the proud owner of my old shoes

Whitney Shoeston, the proud owner of my old shoes

Guac and Whitney Shoeston- hiking together and wearing the same shoes.  So cute.  Note: I love her hiking dress!

Guac and Whitney Shoeston- hiking together and wearing the same shoes.  So cute.  Note: I love her hiking dress!

Mary, our amazing resupply expert, has now started making us dinners (the ones Nick made are finally gone).  I can't wait to eat this!!!

chicken and rice with VEGGIES!!!! So colorful!!! We will make all the other hikers jealous!!

chicken and rice with VEGGIES!!!! So colorful!!! We will make all the other hikers jealous!!

Mary also sent another quote, which I found to be very fitting for where my mind has been lately:

Along the trail:

Squaw Valley Creek - I'd like to come back here someday and spend more time, it was beautiful and serene

Squaw Valley Creek - I'd like to come back here someday and spend more time, it was beautiful and serene