Start: 0700 - Oldenberg Lake
End: 1500 - near Shelter Cove
Miles (today): 17 (16 alternate, 1 off)
Miles (cumulative): 1938.5 (1742.5 PCT, 126 alternate, 70 off)
Thanks to my strained back, I had to take a huge dose of vitamin I (ibuprofen) with breakfast.
Thanks to the copious amount of vitamin I, I no longer mentally screamed with every other step; Instead, I merely moaned every once in a while.
I'm not thrilled about resorting to drugs to keep me hiking (I could barely feel my ankle and I'm concerned about making it worse without knowing it) but, well, I'm determined to make it to Canada and I'd like to somewhat enjoy getting there.... so we'll see how I do with a daily dose of drugs. So far so ok.
Today was an easy 16.5 miles to Shelter Cove, where we picked up our resupply box. We also showered and did laundry even though I didn't feel I needed to (I got so clean from those 10 days off that dirt hasn't had a chance to accumulate).
Outside the Shelter Cove general store, we met quite a few new hiking faces (new hiking bubble!) and even saw Six, who we haven't seen since mile 100! Also, in perusing the sign in book, I noticed that Dirt Squirrel is just one day ahead and that Ducky might still be behind us...
We had planned on camping at Shelter Cove but the tent site set aside for PCT hikers would have cost $11 a person, there aren't any restrooms nearby, and free camping on the trail is only 200 yards away from the site. We chose the free camping and are surprised that nobody else is here.
Thanks to the easy day, Nick even had time to fix the tent zipper. :)
Along the trail:
Diamond Lake, where Nick and I enjoyed lunch
i stabbed my knee with a broken branch while stepping over the downed tree to which it was attached
is it just me or does that fish seem oddly placed?
Nick and I sat on the dock at Shelter Cove and relaxed a bit
this gas pump still works