Vive ut Vivas

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Day 126 - Hiking is Better Than…

Start:  0700 - near Shelter Cove
End: 1830  - Taylor Lake
Miles (today): 25.5 (24 PCT, 1.5 alternate)
Miles (cumulative): 1964 (1766.5 PCT, 127.5 alternate, 70 off)

Even though my body is a bit of a mess at the moment, it's not all bad.  There are a lot of people who would love to be able to do what I'm doing and, even though I struggle a lot more than I would like, I am extremely grateful that I have the opportunity to do this.

Nick just asked me what I'm going to write about tonight - it was another uneventful day - and I told him I was going to write about how I spent my day thinking about all the things hiking is better than.  I came up with a few things, like "Hiking is better than cancer", "Hiking is better than unproductive meetings", and "Hiking is better than rush hour traffic".  Nick laughed when I told him this and said we should make t-shirts.  

I also came up with a list of positive things about hiking, such as the following:

•    Fresh air
•    No rush hour traffic (is it obvious how much I hated that in my previous life?)
•    Beautiful scenery
•    Quiet/peaceful
•    Physical activity (not sitting most of the day)
•    Time to think
•    Meet awesome people
•    Challenging
•    Low stress (as compared to my old life)

I met Pounda, leapfrogged Bud and Fret, and was passed by Six, Meerkat, and Yard Sale... They are the only northbound (NOBO) thru-hikers I encountered today.  I also spent a little time chatting with some day hikers who hiked the PCT in 1998.  Otherwise the day was all about putting one foot in front of the other and reminding myself how lucky I am to be doing this.  

  Along the trail:

this bridge was fun to cross for some reason

lower Rosary Lake

another former burn area - happily, I walked through it later in the evening so it wasn't too hot