Start: 0730 - Rockpile Lake
End: 1930 - Brettenbush Campground
Miles (today): 25.5 (25 PCT, 0.5 off)
Miles (cumulative): 2075 (1872 PCT, 131.5 alternate, 71.5 off)
We awoke, yet again, to an overcast, foggy day. The sun made a valiant attempt to break through but she didn't succeed until the late afternoon. At least there is hope for tomorrow - I really miss the warm sun. Sure, it's nice to hike in the cooler weather, but it's not so nice when you stop for even a quick break - it's so cold!
The clouds also thwarted, yet again, what I can only imagine were awesome views. Oh well, that just means we'll have to come back and hike this section again (although I wasn't fond of the rocky terrain or the snow).
Nick and I walked together for a little while in the afternoon, during which time we discussed what we want to do after the trail. I still have no clue what I want to do....
Due to the last 4 miles being rocky and downhill, by the time I got to the campground Nick had already set up the tent and started a fire (and rolled a huge log next the fire so we had something to sit on). He also must have told everyone he saw I was coming because several people directed me to the campsite he chose - one lady even said she was getting worried about me. lol it was a rough last few miles.
Along the trail: