Vive ut Vivas

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Day 97 - Do Not Not Drink the Water

Start: 0800 -Castella State Campground
End: 1930 - near Picayune Spring
Miles (today): 24.5 (23 PCT, 1.5 off)
Miles (cumulative): 1569 (1407 PCT, 94 alternate, 68 off)

I'm doing my best to look for the joy in the current moment but have come to realize I'm not so good at it.  This morning I couldn't relax and enjoy breakfast because I wanted to be hiking by 0700 (and I rushed Nick's morning - which wasn't fair to him - because he wasn't anywhere close to being ready to go at 0700).  Then, when I was finally hiking (at 0800), I'd catch myself wishing I was at the campsite already (the trail was mostly uphill and the last 8 miles were really rocky).  So I'm working on it.

I was entertained by the water today, though.  First of all, the names of some of them were funny - along with Dump Creak, my favorite was Burstarse Creak (Burstarse? Really? I want to know who named it Burstarse.) I also got a laugh out of the little Do Not Drink Water sign by one of the water sources.  First of all, why shouldn't I drink the water?  I'd like more information as to why I shouldn't (note: I find that people often fail at explaining the why behind things.  The why is important, never forget to include the why!).  Second of all, I love how a PCT hiker modified it.  

ummm... I drank the water

i wonder who named this creak

My new shoes are awesome - my feet feel less swollen and they probably would have gotten destroyed on the rocks in the old pair (they are still mad, though).  Nick's new shoes and smaller hip belt are working well, too, especially the hip belt - now the weight of the pack is on his hips again and he's like a new, faster hiker.

After a long, beautiful day of hiking, just as I was mentally preparing myself to get water off the trail (which I hate doing), I saw this sign for trail magic:

Rattler cooking some hot dogs

It was so awesome and exactly what we needed!  I didn't have to fetch water from the off-trail spring since they had done that already, they fed us hot dogs, and they had a cooler of all sorts of drinks (ex beer, coconut water, soda).  As a bonus, there was a campsite nearby.  Sold.

While getting dinner ready, I chatted with the trail magicians Emily, Rattler, and  Undone (Rattler and Undone hiked the PCT in 2011).  I also talked with Memento.  Yes, Memento.  Memento apparently got here at 1100 this morning and just hung out.  That guy makes me laugh - he hikes 50 miles one day and then kills a day relaxing.  Must be nice to be that fast!!!

Nick wasn't as far behind me as I worried he would be - I think that new hip belt is working wonders.  He's going to have to take back the cooking stiff soon. :)  

Guac and Whitney Shoeston showed up as well.  I wish there we some way to tell Presente and DW about the trail magic- they are only camping a mile back!!


Along the trail:

yet another national forest

oh boy... We have to hike up there

looking back from whence we came - we started out hiking up the rock to the right and then basically walked a big 'C' along the ridge to get where the pic was taken.