Day 99 - Stupid Ankle / by Beth Whittington

Start: 0730 - PCT mile 1549
End: 1800 - near Saloon Creek trail junction
Miles (today): 25
Miles (cumulative): 1619 (1457 PCT, 94 alternate, 68 off)

Hiking with others makes my day fly.  In the morning I hiked with Bushwhack and in the afternoon I hiked with Dawg Whisperer.  It was great getting to know them better (you know how I love meeting new people).  As an added bonus, they are both fast hikers, which was good for me (I always hike faster with others).  The only bad part of the day was my ankle, which has me a little worried because it's swollen and hurts when I step the wrong way (sigh.  Why can't I just hike pain free?).  I can walk on it but I'm starting to think that I shouldn't.  Thankfully, we only have 23 miles to hike tomorrow and then we are taking a zero in Etna.  (We worked hard for this zero, hiking more miles than scheduled just so we could get to town a day early).

Because of all the talking and fast hiking, I made it to camp by 1800, which was so nice! Bushwhack, Cliffhanger, Ripper, Sunny, and DeVeg all decided to camp here, too, and we all ate dinner together as well, which was wonderful.  

Going to bed early again!!!   

Along the trail:

another wilderness!  I wonder how many we go through

another wilderness!  I wonder how many we go through

the water striders's shadow on the rocks was neat

the water striders's shadow on the rocks was neat